Why Praise Your Child for Brushing Their Teeth?

June 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsmilesdental @ 9:31 am
A child brushing teeth

Many parents find it easy to break down and simply brush their child’s teeth for them. After all, who wants to put up with whining, tantrums, and other things kids try to get out of doing it? However, teaching them to brush on their own may yet be possible. Some dentists have suggested compliments for solo toothbrushing can encourage the habit. Read on to learn why praising children for brushing teeth works and tips on how to do it.


4 Things to Expect When Getting Braces Removed

June 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsmilesdental @ 9:19 am
Dental patient wearing metal braces

Are you excited about your braces removal? Well, you should be! Soon enough, you’ll get those metal brackets and wires off to see a straighter smile in the mirror. But before that happens, you may want to know the specifics of the procedure. Learning them could settle your nerves or even heighten your anticipation. Either way, having a good idea of what to expect would make for a more pleasant dental visit. That said, here’s a summary of four things that’ll happen when you get your braces removed.
