Are Clear Aligners Strong Enough to Handle Teeth Grinding?

September 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsmilesdental @ 12:53 pm
A young girl showing off her clear aligner

Do you have bruxism? Many people who suffer from teeth grinding, or bruxism, are concerned about how it will affect their oral health, especially if they’re considering orthodontic treatment. Clear aligners have become a popular choice for straightening teeth, but are they strong enough to handle the forces of grinding teeth?

If you want to learn more about clear aligners and how they’ll hold up under stress, continue reading. This information can help you make an informed decision.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are an orthodontic solution that uses a series of clear plastic trays to straighten your teeth instead of wire and bands like traditional braces. Each tray in the series is designed to be worn all day and night for a number of weeks before it’s traded for the next one.

This creates a progressive buildup towards the desired dental outcome. The aligners are also nearly invisible once they are placed correctly over the teeth, making them a preferred solution for those who are self-conscious about their image.

What Causes Bruxism?

There are two main causes of bruxism, misaligned teeth and stress. Thankfully, wearing clear aligners will eventually deal with the first issue.

Misaligned teeth cause an uncomfortable sensation in the mouth, causing an involuntary reaction from your jaw to tense, grinding your teeth against one another. As your clear aligner treatment progresses, this should occur less frequently.

Stress can also cause your body to be tense. When your jaw clenches due to this tension, it forces your teeth together. While clear aligners can’t cure stress, they can protect your teeth by acting as a barrier between them.

Can I Still Wear Clear Aligners if I Grind My Teeth?

Most people who grind their teeth can still undergo clear aligner treatment because each set is usually only worn for a couple of weeks before advancing to the next one, which means the aligner shouldn’t sustain too much damage. However, if your bruxism is so severe that you need to wear a night guard to protect your teeth, you may have to opt out.

Clear aligners must be worn for 22 hours per day, even while sleeping. This will make it difficult to do the treatment correctly. However, you should speak with your orthodontist first to see if they can offer a solution before you throw in the towel.

Clear aligners are a simple and discreet way to straighten your teeth for an aesthetic smile. If you had your sights set on using the treatment, it’s only natural to be wary of other oral conditions you may be experiencing. Hopefully, this blog has eased your mind or given you the information you need to continue forward.

About the Practice

At KidSmiles Dental and Orthodontics, the focus is entirely on providing comprehensive dental and orthodontic care tailored to the unique needs of children. With a dedicated team of pediatric dentists and orthodontists, they create a welcoming and child-friendly environment, ensuring that every young patient has a positive experience. To schedule an appointment, call (972) 884-5450 or visit the website to learn more.

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