Is My Child a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsmilesdental @ 1:41 pm
A little girl getting nitrous oxide sedation at the dentist.

If you have a child with dental anxiety, it can be a challenge to get them to relax long enough to sit through even a routine checkup. Naturally, you want to make them as comfortable as possible during this time, and thankfully, there are sedation options available to do this.

One popular method of sedation called nitrous oxide can help promote calm and make their dental appointments go a lot smoother. But not everyone is a good candidate for it. Here are a few factors to consider before choosing nitrous oxide for your child’s dental appointment.

What is Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide is a colorless gas that sometimes has a sweet smell to it. Also known as laughing gas, it has been used in dental procedures for decades to help elicit feelings of calm. It is administered through a mask over the nose and is removed after the completion of treatment. It has no lasting effects, and typically patients can get up from the dental chair after about 5 minutes and resume their normal activities.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide is safe for use on most patients ranging in age from children to seniors. If your child is in good health and suffers from dental anxiety, they are likely a good fit for it.

Who Isn’t a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

While nitrous oxide is considered very safe, there are still a few instances where your child should not use it, including:

  • Their nose is congested, as they must inhale nitrous oxide through the nose and congestion could prevent them from experiencing its full effects.
  • They take certain medications. Be sure to discuss any medications your child is taking with your dentist prior to starting nitrous oxide.
  • They do not have dental anxiety.

Other Important Information

If you decide to use nitrous oxide for your child’s dental appointment, rest assured that your dental team is trained in sedation dentistry and will carefully monitor them throughout the entire procedure. If it is determined that your child is not a good fit for nitrous oxide, your dentist may have other options available such as oral sedation or IV sedation.

Don’t let dental fears or anxiety prevent your child from having a successful trip to the dentist. Speak to your dental team about the benefits of sedation dentistry today.

About Dr. Dean

Dr. Neil Dean wants your child to feel safe and comfortable during their time at the dentist. Dr. Dean and the team at KidSmiles Dental & Orthodontics are proud to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for kids and are pleased to offer sedation dentistry for children who need a little extra help relaxing during their appointment.

To schedule an appointment using sedation dentistry for your child, please visit our website or call us at 972-634-0699.

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